Welcome to ENGW 3332: Writing and Publishing on the Web. This website will function as the online headquarters for our class this semester. Each week, I will post an update to the website with details about coming week, deadline reminders, links to helpful resources, etc… I plan to use SEU’s Blackboard site to record your grades, but otherwise, everything related to this course will be posted here. And given that this class is about writing for the web, it seems appropriate that you should help me build this website as the semester progresses. (We’ll talk more about the particulars of that assignment soon.) There isn’t much to look at now, but by the end of the semester, this site will contain a multitude of resources related to our topic of study.
A bit about me: I’m a new assistant professor at St. Edward’s University. For the past six years, I have been completing my graduate work at Iowa State University and teaching classes in ISU’s English Department. I study the relationship between rhetoric and technology, and my dissertation focused on the role of ethos in online communities. I have been building websites since 1999, and I do a lot of web consulting for small businesses and nonprofit groups that need help getting (or getting up to date) online. When I’m not staring at a computer screen, I love to cook, read, and spend time with my wife, a brilliant freelance writer, and our two daughters. We haven’t quite gotten used to the heat in Austin, but otherwise, we love it here.
After I gather your input in class on Tuesday, I will finalize the syllabus and bring it to class on Thursday. In the meantime, please complete the following tasks before you come to class on Thursday:
- Read Hour 1 in the Teach Yourself HTML and CSS book, and come to class with any questions you have about the reading.
- Think about the ongoing blogging assignment we discussed in class, and once you have settled on a topic and/or name for your site, create a new blog at WordPress.com. (Note: you will be sharing your blog with everyone in this class, so make sure you are comfortable with what you do there.)
Finally, a quick note about this website. Throughout the semester, I’ll be asking you to respond to posts on this website. To help you get comfortable with that process, please add a comment to this post that introduces yourself, links to your new WordPress blog, and answers the following question: What is one specific thing you want to learn to do in ENGW 3332? Before you post, a couple of warnings: (1) Your classmates will see what you write, so don’t include anything intended just for me. (2) This website is public, so we will stick to using first names only. Also, please be sure to use the same email address every time you post to the class website. Once I “approve” your first comment on the site, you will be able to post comments for the rest of the semester without waiting for me to approve them.
I want to learn more about designing/creating websites.
I’m not certain what my blog is going to be about. I’m probably going to pick a prompt or a picture or whatever and write about it. I’m sarcastic in my writing, especially in a free atmosphere, so maybe even choose a bizarre news article and go crazy with that. I’m not too sure. http://blithefullyblogging.wordpress.com/
My blog URL is http://blairharalson.wordpress.com/
I’d like to learn how to create a website so my work is easily accessible to future employers.
Hey Professor Warnick -
For this class I’m certainly interested in the coding and creation of websites themselves, but I’m also curious about how one can cultivate an online presence using blogs and other kinds of social media.
I want to learn a few thing while taking ENGW 3332. Some of these being: the design structure that goes into a website, and how to do it; how to develop my own personal website; and how to make my website accessible for the public to see it when working off a personal computer. These are issues I have encountered when working with my blog and doing different assignments for some of my classes. I am excited about ENGW 3332!
P.S. I forgot to add a few things! This is Sarah Bassler and my WordPress blog is http://www.monstersofblog.wordpress.com
The things I would like to learn in this class are:
1) Getting more up to date with technology available (RSS feeds, tumblr, etc)
2) Getting better at html (I only know basic html, so xhtml is something I would like to be familiar with)
3) Getting better at the design aspect of webpages, making websites cross-compatible between pc/mac.
On the rhetoric side of things, I love blogging, but I feel like the blogs I do are boring and don’t have enough unique subject matter/voice to really be a presence on the web. So developing voice and a good blog would probably be #1 on that end of things!
I would like to learn more about optimizing content for business websites, blogs, etc. And I would like to become much more comfortable with HTML and CSS.
Hello Everyone,
I’ve decided on my wordpress name (calmcorn), but not my topic. I’m still considering what subject I want to devote my blog to.
It was mentioned today, but one thing I would really like to do is learn how to put my professional information on the internet, so something of a e-resumé, but also a site that advertises my skill base. Professor Warnick shares a link to his wife’s website showcasing her free-lance writing career, and I would like to build something similar to that for myself. I think it would be invaluable to my future success, displaying my multiple competencies.
I will be applying to MFA programs in creative nonfiction toward the end of the year, so what I hope to get out of this class is how to develop a professional-looking site that will allow admissions committees to get a glimpse of who I am beyond an application and samples of my work. To this end, I’d really like to learn about hosting my own website so I’m excited about covering this in class.
I created a WordPress blog; the link is http://nimalintzin.wordpress.com/. I’d like to use it as a tool to focus my research on La Malinche, the woman who helped Hernando Cortes conquer the Aztecs. The end result, I hope, will be the basis of my grad school submission essay.
I saw a movie recently in which an out-of-work journalist calls a prospective employer who regretfully informs her that the newspaper industry is dying. Instead of offering her a job, he advises her, “Why don’t you try blogging?” This scene gave me a horrifying glimpse of what my life will probably be like in 2 years. In order to make myself more employable, I want to learn how to design a web site (especially a professional one with my resume). I’m also interested in blogging because it’s a free way to get published and an easy opportunity for people to see what you can do. My blog is http://collegecheapskate.wordpress.com/ (it’s probably going to be focused on how to save money on random everyday stuff for the average poor college student).
Hello All,
My newly created blog can be found at http://mmcnall2.wordpress.com/. I titled it Musings on Music as I will be reviewing music albums, shows, instruments, or anything related to music and the extended world of art.
One day, I hope to have my own web comic. To this end, I hope this class will provide me with the knowledge and tools to manage and create my own website. Besides my personal interests, it is always greatly beneficial to be familiar with the technical aspects of web sites, web browsing, and the internet. I hope these skills will make me more attractive and competitive in the job market.
Hey, y’all!
My blog is: https://thatslisamarie.wordpress.com/
I would like to learn how to create a clean, professional, personal website. If there’s one thing I fear, it’s confusing coding and getting lost in my own doing. I think creating a website will help me with my future endeavors and give people a better idea of me as a student, writer, and individual.
Furthermore, I would also like to know how I can best utilize social networking sites like Facebook, and my personal favorite, Twitter, online and within a website.
Thank you! See you tomorrow!
In this class, I really want to develop an e-portfolio to show to prospective employers. I’d also like to spend some time focusing on the design and layout side of web-building (i.e., making websites not only usable, but visually appealing).
My blog will be targeted towards people who are seeking spiritual/holistic development, but aren’t interested in abandoning the conventions of Western society and science…I’ll explain this in more detail once I write the first post. Here is the link: http://westernsoul.wordpress.com/
Hi! I am from Wisconsin. I am a senior at St. Edward’s studying Rhetoric and Composition on the general track with minors in Spanish and Latin American studies. I am hoping to learn how to effectively and practically navigate websites and making websites. As of now, my knowledge of computers and technology is extremely limited.
My blog site is http://chelseasblogs.wordpress.com/. I am thinking about making a website for employers or perhaps an informative website about a historical figure. However, I am leaning toward a website for employers.
My blog’s address is http://hollyaker.wordpress.com/. I haven’t quite decided on my topic though. It’s a work in progress.
I too would like to learn how to make an online resume to be able to give future employees easy access to my information. I also am interested in learning about designing professional looking websites.
My blog is going to be bflyatx.wordpress.com, but, at the moment, I’m still mulling over what it’s going to be about.
I’d like to learn how to put together clear, appropriate blogs for my friend(s) company. And I really want to develop a personal, professional website that I can use as a portfolio/resume to show to future employers.
Hey guys. My blog is about general nerdy stuff – Internet memes, animation video games, etc. I started it a year ago as a potential review site…
That fell through, though I am thinking of making it a website about critically analyzing video games. Video games are a rising medium, and one that is just gaining the critical validity it yearns for and needs.
I want to learn a lot about website design! WordPress seems to be pretty compatible with good design, so it shouldn’t be too hard.
Hey, this is Kel. Not quite sure what my blog is going to be about yet, but I’m thinking of maybe doing music news and reviews and stuff. That’s sort of what I’m leaning toward at the moment. You can reach it by clicking on my name up there.
I’d love to learn a few things in this class. First, I’d like to learn more about building websites. I’m pretty competent with HTML at this point, but that’s pretty much the extent of my knowledge. I’d also be interested in creating an online resume-type thing as well as learning to be a better blogger. I’m partially interested in perhaps making a music blog because I think I might enjoy being a critic one day, and blogging and writing online sort of seems to be the way things are going, so I’d love to enhance my skills in that area.
‘ello, ‘ello!
Like most everyone, I would like to learn how to put my own creative materials (photos, writing) on the web on a professional (looking) site to assist in my future career plans. I’m also excited about my blog, which I’m planning on writing about old movies.
I want to be able to understand the background behind social networking and what the acronyms actually stand for.
Instead of using my old blog and getting rid of its content, my new blog is http://www.freshfifteen.wordpress.com . This blog will deal with staying in shape and eating healthy during your years at college to help avoid the freshman fifteen. It will have excercises and healthy reciepes for a busy students life.